Parish of St Thomas , Rainy
C/O Box 65, Mthatha

Priest in Charge : The Revd Mtutuzeli Yekani
Cell : 071 514 7638
          079 875 7150

A special day of prayer and giving was held on Sunday 15th September 2013 to bid farewell to Rev. Mvakie Mfenguza. Click here for a full report.
Mission statement
We exist to welcome people to faith, equip people with a faith that works in real life and send us in service into the world in Jesus' name.

Vision statement
We are a vibrant Christian church which exists to give glory to god in Jesus Christ. We see ourselves as a centre for Christian renewal in the lives of Individuals, families and congregations.
We are committed as dynamic experience of the presence of God through word, sacrament, music and Christian community.
Welcome as an invitation to everyone to meet Jesus Christ no matter where they are on their spiritua| journey of life.
Empowerment as enabling individuals, couples and families to discover the power of the Holy Spirit through faith active in real life.
Growth as the opportunity to increase each person's confidence and joy in Jesus Christ through prayer, bible study and through active service in our church, community and world.

Value Statement
The church shall prepare men and women to receive Christ as lord and saviour to live godly, honest, faithful and useful lives as citizens of the country and as heirs of Christ. Preach the uncompromised gospel of Jesus Christ, ordain ministers, perform every necessary good work for the welfare of humanity.
The church shall unite couples in marriage, bury the dead, and baptize all who have accepted Christ as lord and saviour. Take care of the needy and carry out other non-profit, lawful church functions in accordance with the laws of the land and as the governing body of the church may from time to time, may consider proper and necessary.
The church may be affiliated with other churches outside the country and may deputize churches organizations abroad.

St Thomas Church came out of Holy Cross Church (presently the outstation of St Thomas when it became a Parish), an outstation of Ntlaza in early 70's, then Marubeni in 1998, and in 2003 Mdlankomo. Finally it became a Parish in 2012. The building was built in (plus / minus) late 70's. At the moment there is no Rectory. The Church building needs refurbishment - the walls have cracks on it and the roof needs to be fixed as it leaks when it rains. The vestry also needs the same. Its volume is not small and it can accommodate more that 200 people. Pews are needed - presently there are old bunks with broken legs.
Many of activities such as Archdeaconry Conferences, and Episcopal visits of the Bishop are held inside the Church.

Key Challenges
There are other churches in the same area. Other Anglican members have left the church to join other denominations. There are tents and neighbouring schools are hosting these Pentecostal churches. The Youth is attracted by these churches.
There is a great need of connecting our church members with the local community so that effective evangelism can bring new and more people to faith. This will involve growth in personal discipleship and in small group activities such as prayer cells, bible studies to encourage the fell on the way.
Also the age profile of the church is a concern. There must be fresh growth among younger people in order to plan for the future church (continuity). We need to attract young families from the community around.

Congregation Analysis
St Thomas Parish
Lay Ministers                                 5 + 1 reader
Mothers Union                             13
Bernard Mizeki                              6
St Mary Magdalene                      2
Anglican Women's Fellowship    0
Abavakalisi                                   0
Servers                                          6
Non-belonging                              3
Total No. of Congregants          36

Holy Cross - outstation of St Thomas Parish
Lay Ministers                                 4 + 1 reader
Mothers Union                             11
Bernard Mizeki                              6
St Mary Magdelene                       0
Anglican Women's Fellowship     0
Abavakalisi                                    0
Servers                                           4
Non - belonging                             2
Total No. of Congregants           23

GRAND TOTAL OF CONGREGANTS FOR ST THOMAS PARISH - RAINY: = 64 (in terms of pledges the actual enrolments is 38) (duplication due to belonging in various church structures)

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